Careers Discovery Day - Sunday 21 July
Tuesday, 4 June 2024
Geelong Grammar School’s Careers Discovery Day is scheduled for Sunday 21 July 2024 at our Corio Campus.  
An important element of this experience is our OGG presentations to students, which are delivered as a Q&A style panel with 3-4 OGGs per panel. This is an in-person event, which runs from 1.00pm to 4.00pm, with Panel Discussions with OGGs from 2.15pm to 3.00pm. Last year, many of our OGGs stayed for the whole afternoon, which was wonderful, however, this is not a requirement as we know your time is valuable. 
Our students find the insights of OGGs invaluable as they’re considering their own post-school options and pathways - as you can recall, it can be a daunting time! We're embracing the philosophy of "you can't be what you can't see" and seeking a diverse range of OGGs to share their unique career journey to date; their challenges and triumphs; whether they took a Gap Year; how their career journey has evolved over time etc.  
We are reaching out to OGGs who graduated between 2014 and 2019 to ask if you would be interested in participating this year? If so, please click here and we’ll be in touch shortly.